
We offer straightforward per page pricing with a standard fee of 1.67p/registered patient/month to cover platform costs1

Self service


per page*




per page*


Basic platform fee of 1.67p per registered patient per month

(*we only count pages that have at least 100 words)

1Platform costs include the EMIS Partnership Program API, task management workflows, patient history searching
2Cover pages and final pages with fewer than 100 words are not counted

Pricing calculator

How many patients are registered with your practice / PCN?

How many full service letters would you like us to do each day?

1,000 10,000 250,000

Total monthly cost:

including VAT*


hours saved per month**
saved per month***

*Based on an estimated letters per working day and an average of 2 chargeable pages per letter

**3 mins saved for self-service letters + 6 mins saved for full service letters per working day

*** hours saved per month x £14.70 per hour (national living wage + pension + NI) less BetterLetter subscription cost

Want to learn more?

Book a call with us for a demo and a chat!